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Sep 05 2024
Fellbeast monster for reset 3800 was launched along with a new refinement. Don’t forget to complete the normal tasks, good rewards waiting for the strong monsters.
Aug 29 2024
New system. Idle Energy accumulates every 10 minutes, whether online or offline, based on the number of resets. This energy can be converted into life and mana at the altars in the temples of each city. To check your current energy and potential gains, use the commands !idle or !energy. For more information, check the Wiki.
Jun 25 2024
The city of Netulco has been launched! Visit it, earn special items, new mounts, and a new outfit. Many mysteries await, much to be discovered and explored. If you use a 32-bit Mobile client, you need to download the client again for this new update.
Jun 15 2024
Use the command !quest to check the completed and incomplete quests on your character.
Apr 25 2024
New commands: !autopotion: Activates automatic potion use, consuming them sequentially from your backpack. !atkhighreset: Sets a minimum number of resets to prevent attacks on unwanted players in PvP. For example, with !atkhighreset 1000, your character will not attack players with fewer than 1000 resets.
Advanced Fishing System

Canob proudly introduces the most sophisticated fishing system ever implemented in an OTserv!

Fishing system features:

  • Instant health regeneration with minimal exhaustion: Consuming caught fish can result in immediate hp and mana recovery, inducing minimal exhaustion. This method proves to be slightly more efficient and potent than using potions and runes for regeneration.
  • Weekly Fisherman events: The system includes weekly fishing competitions where top fishermen are awarded with bipcoins, fostering a competitive and exciting dynamic among players.

How to start fishing:

  1. Acquire equipment:
    Players must purchase bait and an advanced fishing rod from NPC Lure Larry in Oak Grove.
    You can also receive free bait by talking to Lure Larry every day.
  2. Find a good spot to fish.
    Easy Guide: Setting Your Bait on Hotkeys
    Easy Guide: Setting Your Bait on Hotkeys

Event Rewards:

When you catch a fish, you gain fisherman reputation.
Reeling Roger, located next to Lure Larry's house (Oak Grove city), distributes bipcoin prizes to the best fishermen of the week, based on a portion of bait sales revenue from NPC Larry.
Winners are announced and awarded every Tuesday and Friday.

Fish information:

Catch Rate: Easy
Required Fish Level: 10
Event Reputation: 100
HP Heal: 15% - 20%
Catch Rate: Easy
Required Fish Level: 10
Event Reputation: 100
Mana Heal: 15% - 20%
Catch Rate: Medium
Required Fish Level: 10
Event Reputation: 250
HP Heal: 20% - 25%
Spotted Fish
Spotted Fish
Catch Rate: Medium
Required Fish Level: 10
Event Reputation: 250
Mana Heal: 20% - 25%
Catch Rate: Medium
Required Fish Level: 20
Event Reputation: 1000
HP Heal: 25% - 30%
Catch Rate: Medium
Required Fish Level: 20
Event Reputation: 1000
Mana Heal: 25% - 30%
Catch Rate: Rare
Required Fish Level: 30
Event Reputation: 2000
HP Heal: 30% - 35%
Catch Rate: Rare
Required Fish Level: 30
Event Reputation: 2000
Mana Heal: 30% - 35%
Catch Rate: Rare
Required Fish Level: 40
Event Reputation: 3000
HP Heal: 35% - 40%
Mana Heal: 35% - 40%
Neon Fish
Neon Fish
Catch Rate: Super Rare
Required Fish Level: 40
Event Reputation: 5000
HP Heal: 40% - 50%
Mana Heal: 40% - 50%

Bait Information:

Flashy Bait
Flashy Bait
Price: 100 pc
Catch Rate Bonus: 5%
Break Chance: 10%
Dancing Bait
Dancing Bait
Price: 150 pc
Catch Rate Bonus: 10%
Break Chance: 8%
Stealthy Bait
Stealthy Bait
Price: 350 pc
Catch Rate Bonus: 15%
Break Chance: 3%

System details:

    how to grill
  • Bait and caught fish are non-transferable and non-sellable, exclusive to the player who obtained them.
    all baitsall rods
  • Players can cook fish at fire locations, doubling health and mana regeneration effects.
    how to grill
  • If players don't want to eat the fish, they can put the raw fish in an aquarium,
    It grants double fish reputation, aiding in event ranking.
    how to grill
  • Fishing spots affect success rates; players should change locations and cities for better results.

  • If you want to train your fishing level, buy a regular rod and worms from the Tools Seller NPC in various cities; however, this rod won't catch advanced fish.

Fishers Ranking:

Sales profit from the fishing shop: 58 bipcoinCoin

Profits is distributed among the top 10 fishers

Rank Name Fisherman Reputation Winning?
1TrophyLetal Spirit11010010 bipcoin
2TrophyBeelzebub_723008 bipcoin
3TrophyKenzhi691007 bipcoin
4TrophyStyfler Max649006 bipcoin
5TrophyEusgurizes628005 bipcoin
6TrophyKamykazebeck613005 bipcoin
7TrophyDagon_421004 bipcoin
8TrophyRajango403004 bipcoin
9TrophyBuiudao312003 bipcoin
10TrophyHawk Eye294002 bipcoin

For the full ranking, in-game use the the command !fishrank

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